Practical Digital Storytelling Workshop

Exploring interview and filming techniques with our Erasmus+ participants

In April 2024, participants from our Erasmus+ Youth Project “Digital Storytelling for Active Citizenship: Empowering Youth Through Migration Narratives” gathered in Berlin for a hands-on workshop exploring media techniques. The project brings together young people from Berlin and Vaasa, Finland, to delve deeper into digital storytelling and solutions journalism, focusing on promoting active citizenship and strengthening diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) competencies.

Day 1: Foundations and Techniques

The workshop kicked off with ice-breakers and catching up on participants’ progress in their individual digital storytelling projects. The project team from Migration Matters and Cooperative 3E led a discussion on pre-production, production, and post-production stages, emphasizing the importance of narrative creation using examples from their own work.

After lunch, the afternoon was dedicated to mastering interview techniques. The team provided a comprehensive overview of video interview methods and journalistic approaches. Participants practiced listening skills, learned how to build trust with interviewees, and explored techniques for asking effective questions. The session culminated in a hands-on vox-pop exercise where participants went out on the streets to interview Berlin locals, asking, “What does home mean to you?”

Day 2: Production and Post-Production

The next day, the workshop continued with a detailed demonstration on camera equipment setup and filming techniques. Participants practiced setting up interview positions, adjusting lighting, and configuring camera settings. They then conducted mock interviews, developing and refining their questions to align with their digital storytelling projects.

The afternoon focused on post-production. The team demonstrated editing software, guiding participants through the basics of video editing. Participants then had group editing practice, applying their newly acquired skills to the footage they had filmed earlier. The day concluded with a discussion on next steps and key learnings, providing a roadmap for the participants to continue their digital storytelling journey.

Looking Ahead

This summer, our project participants will be preparing and producing their own digital stories, using the tools and techniques learned throughout the program and in Berlin to create compelling narratives about migration, diversity, and inclusion. Completed stories will be showcased on partner websites and social media this autumn, contributing to a broader dialogue on these critical issues.