Category: Europe

Media Training

Practical Digital Storytelling Workshop

In April 2024, participants from our Erasmus+ Youth Project “Digital Storytelling for Active Citizenship: Empowering Youth Through Migration Narratives” gathered in Berlin for a hands-on workshop exploring media techniques such as interviewing, filming, and editing.

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“Mediatization of Migration” at Radboud University

In late February, Migration Matters held a ‘Mediatization of Migration’ workshop at Radboud University. Thirty students explored how media framing affects perceptions of migration and migrants. Highlighting diverse perspectives and storytelling formats, the workshop aimed to equip students with tools to create counter-narratives and foster inclusive dialogue.

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Erasmus+ Youth

Kicking off a digital storytelling journey

December 2023 marked the exciting kick-off of the Erasmus+ Youth Project ‘Digital Storytelling for Active Citizenship’, a collaboration between Migration Matters and Cooperative 3E, aimed at empowering youth to explore migration narratives through digital storytelling.

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An Evening of Film and Discussion on Migrant Lives in Pandemic Times

We recently hosted a screening and discussion event in collaboration with Give Something Back to Berlin, featuring documentary shorts from the “Migrant Lives in Pandemic Times” project. This series, created by Migration Matters and CERC Migration, highlights the resilience of migrants during Covid-19 through personal stories from Berlin, Johannesburg, Singapore, and more.

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Journalist Training

Inspiration and Education for Ethical Reporting

Young journalists from Poland and Germany attended a four-day workshop in Berlin on ethical reporting of migration and diversity. Organized by Migration Matters and the Center for Citizenship Education under the I Am European (IAE) project, the event emphasized the importance of ethical journalism and fostered collaboration among young journalists.

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I Am European

“I Am European”: Migration Stories & Facts for the 21st Century is a European Commission funded project that aims to raise awareness about migration issues among youth and multipliers in Europe.

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Teacher Training

Talking about migration in Latvian classrooms

In this collaboration with Latvia’s think-tank Providus, we brought Migration Matters content to around 100 high schools across Latvia. This project, led by Providus’ senior policy analyst Agnese Lace, includes a comprehensive manual for teachers, lesson plans, and on-site workshops to equip educators with the tools they need to bring balanced discussions about migration into the classroom.

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Advocate Europe

Migration Matters produced a Massive Open Online Course on integration and diversity as part of the Advocate Europe grant.

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Street Survey

This Election Season: Integration & Diversity

The Treaty of Rome, signed on March 25, 1957, brought together six European countries (Belgium, Germany, France, Italy, Luxembourg and the Netherlands) to work towards integration and economic growth and created a prototype of the European Union as we know it today. But here we are 60 years later, and the question of…

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Street Survey

Which countries host the most refugees?

Since the summer of 2016, a lot has been written about the fact that the term “refugee crisis” – used constantly in the media and politics – suggests that Europe is receiving unprecedented numbers of refugees. We know it is not.

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