Category: Screening


“Mediatization of Migration” at Radboud University

In late February, Migration Matters held a ‘Mediatization of Migration’ workshop at Radboud University. Thirty students explored how media framing affects perceptions of migration and migrants. Highlighting diverse perspectives and storytelling formats, the workshop aimed to equip students with tools to create counter-narratives and foster inclusive dialogue.

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Action Against Hate: Digital Exhibit

The ‘Action Against Hate’ screening in London earlier this month explored the theme of ‘Diversity and Religion’ through artwork and films made by artists and video makers from across Europe, including a Migration Matters video.

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Reflecting on Integration & Diversity: ‘I Am European’ Final Event

At IL KINO Berlin, we celebrated the culmination of our three-year ‘I Am European’ project with engaging film screenings and a dynamic panel discussion. Commemorating the 5th anniversary of our ‘Rethinking Us & Them’ series, a popular MOOC on the iversity platform, we explored integration and diversity in Germany today. The evening featured insightful screenings from our series and a panel with speakers like Hafiza Hamoud, Chiponda Chimbelu, Mine Nang, and Dr. Jihad Alabdullah, moderated by Sophia Burton

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An Evening of Film and Discussion on Migrant Lives in Pandemic Times

We recently hosted a screening and discussion event in collaboration with Give Something Back to Berlin, featuring documentary shorts from the “Migrant Lives in Pandemic Times” project. This series, created by Migration Matters and CERC Migration, highlights the resilience of migrants during Covid-19 through personal stories from Berlin, Johannesburg, Singapore, and more.

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