Voices on the Move

Voices on the Move podcast logo without tagline

Voices on the Move is a podcast series exploring the complex relationship between climate change and mobility. It aims to amplify the voices and stories of researchers, climate migrants, and community leaders, especially from the Global South.

Launching this autumn, Voices on the Move offers new, thought-provoking insights into the real-life impacts and consequences of climate change on mobility and habitability. Through interviews with academics and practitioners and personal narratives from those directly affected, the series seeks to highlight the challenges faced by displaced communities and the innovative solutions emerging at grassroots levels.

The podcast will feature seven episodes, blending impactful stories with research insights to foster nuanced public discourse. Stories come from Afghanistan, Somalia, Kenya, Ghana, Mali, and Canada, covering topics such as climate-induced displacement, social and gender inequalities, the effect on indigenous communities, and the role of women in climate mobility. Featuring experts like Nassim Majidi, Yvonne Su, François Gemenne, Will Greaves, Mo Hamza, and more, this essential series aims to reshape the conversation around “climate migration” and provide important perspectives and expertise for a more nuanced debate.

Join us this autumn for Voices on the Move to engage with crucial voices in understanding climate injustice and exploring adaptation strategies. We encourage you to engage with the series by embedding it into your educational programs, sharing it at an event or conference, or presenting it to your audiences – get in touch with us to learn more!

The series is co-produced by Migration Matters, York University, Samuel Hall, and the HABITABLE Project and funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC). The podcast is hosted by the Dahdaleh Institute for Global Health Research at York University.


Partners and Funders: 

Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC)

Dahdaleh Institute for Global Health Research (DI) as primary host 

York University (Institutional host) 

Migration Matters e.V.

Habitable Project 

Samuel Hall


Credits & Thank Yous:

Producer & Senior Story Editor: Bernadette Klausberger

Host: Sophia Burton

Editor: Line Schulz

Editorial Team:

  • Devyani Nighoskar
  • Frankie Reid
  • Sean Holman
  • Isabelle Schwengler
  • Mwara Namelok
  • Viola Vuyanzi
  • Wendy Indira
  • Ellen Mainert
  • Eline van Oosterhout
  • Selma Blanken
  • Hannah Seaton
  • Tosh Sherkat
  • Aldyn Chwelos
  • Christina Gervais

Audio Engineering:

  • Tim Strasburger-Schmidt
  • Eduard Hutuleac
  • Christian Wilmes

Sound Design:

  • Tim Strasburger-Schmidt
  • Eliah Arnold

Original Music:

Sound Mix:

  • Tim Strasburger-Schmidt

Voice Actors:

  • Leo Skozowski
  • Dulcie Smart
  • Jeff Burrell
  • Nick Welsh
  • Nele Mailin Obermueller
  • Lizzie Roberts

Studio: alias film & sprachtransfer

Graphic Design: Azza Abbaro

Thank you for supporting this production:

  • Yvonne Su, Theresa Dinh
  • Dagmar Jacobsen, Christian Wilmes
  • Chiyoko Szlavnics, Dulcie Smart
  • Ellen Mainert, Ellie Hand, Janine Wallrabe
  • Sabrina Sam, Yuehan An
  • Moritz Metz
  • Florian Debève
  • Sean Holman

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