Is “Refugee Crisis” a Fair Assessment of the Situation in Europe?

Is "Refugee Crisis" a Fair Assessment of the Situation in Europe?


Refugee crisis, global refugee crisis, migrant crisis. While Europe is no longer seeing the same numbers of people arriving on the continent’s shores as in 2015, the language still persists around us. And even then, was crisis an accurate labeling of the situation, and what consequences does this terminology have? Nassim Majidi, Co-Founder of Samuel Hall Think Tank, flips the debate on its head with her origin country perspective, framing the narrative in a much wider context.

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Recommended Reading

Nassim’s five-piece op-ed for Refugees Deeply in 2016 looks at the reality and diversity of Afghan asylum-seekers.

This blog post from the Center of Global Development fact-checks the claim that Europe has faced a refugee crisis, adding some historical and political context for thought.

Welcome to Refugistan” is an Arte-commissioned documentary by Anne Poiret (@annepoiret), which asks why and how refugee camps, originally designed to be temporary, have continued to exist for decades. Available for €2.99.

For more on displacement, growth, and urbanisation in Kabul, read this 2014 Guardian article.

You can read more about the World Bank’s work to address Africa’s approximately 18 million forcibly displaced persons here.

Vox took on the question of language and numbers in this article in early 2017 within the context of President Trump’s “Muslim Ban”.

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Nassim Majidi

Nassim is associate doctor at Sciences Po’s Centre for International Studies and the Co-Founder/Head of Migration Practice at Samuel Hall. Nassim conducts research into conditions in origin countries, studying questions like motivations for migration, migrant journeys, the role of smuggling, and post-return outcomes via Samuel Hall’s regional offices in Nairobi, Kabul, and Mogadishu.

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